Food and Wine Itineraries in Parma and Emilia Romagna
Three food and wine routes leading through Emilia Romagna famous all over the world for its gastronomical traditions and thanks to these traditions home to the headquarters of the European Food Safety Commission.
The “ Strade dei Vini e dei Sapori “ food and wine routes around Parma include three itineraries requested by the Province of Parma and made up of the local councils, private members and other organizations: The Strada del Prosciutto e dei Vini dei Colli di Parma, promoting the Parma Ham and the Wines produced in the hills around Parma, the Strada del Fungo Porcino di Borgotaro, promoting the Porcino mushrooms and Strada del Culatello di Zibello, promoting the locally produced Culatello seasoned meat.
These routes were chosen as being “ potentially positive for tourism and distinguishable by high quality agricultural and eno- gastronomical local products, set against a rich natural, historical and artistic backdrop creating an unique, cultural unit”.
The importance of the local products is also valorized in the “Musei di Cibi” or Food Museums: the Museum of the Parmigiano Reggiano cheese is located in Soragna, the Museum of Parma Ham is situated in Langhirano , the hilly area selected for the seasoning process. The Museum of Salami, dedicated to the most famous Italian sausage, was inaugurated in 2004 in the Castle of Felino.
Museo del Parmigiano-Reggiano
Museo del Prosciutto e dei Salumi di Parma
Museo del Salame di Felino
Italian Cookery is celebrate date the School for International Cookery in Colorna (ALMA).
The local products offer an ulterior motive for visiting the Province of Parma: food tasting and trips to cheese producers, seasoned meats and sausage producers, farms and vineyards together with a visit to the many villages, castles, palaces, churches, abbeys that are scattered across the territory of the three foos and wine itineraries.
Some photos:
Useful links:
Link: Musei del Cibo
Link: Scuola di Cucina di Colorno
Link: Vini e sapori su

Link: Negozio "La Degustazione" (Langhirano)